Recent Events
Weekly worship is held at 5.30 pm at the Old Friary in the Chapel of St Mary, St Francis and St Clare.
Ongoing worship at the Friary post-Covid. The Old Friary reopened and regular 5:30 pm Sunday worship continues. At present, due to restrictions on the use of the site, we are very limited in what can be done regarding other events, but we hope to be able to start to reopen the Friary for community events in the future.
International Labyrinth day - 6th May 2023
Every year on the first Saturday in May thousands of people around the globe participate in World Labyrinth Day as a moving meditation for world peace and celebration of the labyrinth experience
Sacred Space - Sacred Rhythms - Sacred Future 'Insights from Celtic spirituality': Ray Simpson - May 03, 2015 3:32:38 PM