FEAST OF ST COLUMBA [COLUM CILLE]  at the Old Friary, Kenmore Hills 

On Sunday the 9th June we celebrated a Feast of Thanksgiving for the life of St Columba (Colum Cille) of Iona as we explored his life and mission.  A period of reflection and prayer was offered with participants invited to pray in the beautiful grounds of Old Friary using the Labyrinth and Old Friary gardens. 

The afternoon rounded off with an Ecumenical Celtic Eucharist in the Chapel at 5.30pm when we offered thanks to God for the life and work of Colum Cille and all that he has to offer us.  

Presented by Rev’d Sandra Kjellgren and Old Friary Worship Community

Wonderful Recorder Christmas Concert held Sunday 3 December 2023 at 2 pm

Friary Labyrinth Workshop held 22 July 2023

Saturday 22nd July 2023 at the Old Friary "Praying with a labyrinth"

Visit by Probus Club Sherwood - history tour of site 5 May 2023